Artwork by Dave Felton, © 2016
Winner, 2016 Golden Ghoul Award for Fiction (Foreign)
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Selected as the Best Fiction Book of the Year by Rue Morgue Magazine.
“Jon Padgett’s The Secret of Ventriloquism is a horror revelation. The interconnected short stories are ghastly, clever, dryly witty, but also genuinely and bone-rattlingly creepy and disturbing. Sure, going in, I was already afraid of ventriloquist dummies, but now I’m deathly afraid of Jon Padgett.”
–Paul Tremblay, author of A Head Full of Ghosts and Disappearance at Devil’s Rock.
“The Secret of Ventriloquism is horror with a capital H. Some of Padgett’s lines raised the hair on my neck. The stories radiate darkness… In a year of exceptional weird fiction, this is a mattock-handle-wrapped-in-barbed-wire heavy hitter.”
–Laird Barron, author of Swift to Chase
“Padgett proves with his stunning debut collection to be a worthy successor to Thomas Ligotti. There’s no gristle, no bone, no dilly-dallying here: only pure meat whose terrors seamlessly grow into the metaphysical. This volume is jam-packed with the stuff that nightmares are made of.”
–Dejan Ognjanovic, Rue Morgue Magazine
—Adam Mills, Weird Fiction Review
—Charles P. Dunphey, Gehenna & Hinnom Books
—Kev Harrison, This Is Horror
—Paul StJohn Mackintosh, Associate Editor of Teleread
—Charlene Cocrane, Horror After Dark
—Kayleigh Marie Edwards, Ginger Nuts of Horror
—Simon Strantzas, author of Burnt Black Suns
“…let me guarantee you one thing about Jon Padgett’s writing: It will lead you outside your comfort zone like a creepy stranger leads you away from home. Padgett both knows how to tell a story and how to scare people and The Secret of Ventriloquism is an intoxicating display of these two skills.”
—Benoit Lelievre, Dead End Follies
Weird Fiction Review (by Adam Mills)
Gehenna & Hinnom Books (by Charles P. Dunphey)
This Is Horror (by Kev Harrison)
Ginger Nuts of Horror (by Kayleigh Marie Edwards)
Dead End Follies (by Benoit Lelievre)
Horror After Dark (by Charlene Cocrane)
Gestalt Real-Time Review (by D.F. Lewis)
The Plutonian (by Scott Dwyer)
Beauty in Ruins (by Donald Armfield)
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